Personal Development Guide for Surrogate Mothers

As a surrogate mother, personal development can be confusing to initiate given the complexity of the human psyche. This article is developed to guide you in the right path and give you easy to implement tips that will boost your personal development goals as a surrogate.

For starters, surround yourself with positive people. They are sure to bring a lot of positive energy that will definitely stabilize any negative energy you get from people who aren’t as encouraging of your self-improvement aspirations.

Take advantage of breaks. Whenever you find yourself in a rut, take a breather. It will help you see things in a better light and get your brain working again. Taking regular breaks is good because it gives you the chance to recharge your mind, so when you resume work, you’ll be able to get a whole lot more done.

Keep a journal with you so whenever thoughts hit, you can jot them down.  As a surrogate mother, this is precisely a good idea as this will allow you to keep track of changes or moods that you might want to take note of. Bring some paper with you when you go out. Write down your idea in detail, and then utilize it at a later time when you can expand on the issue.

Exercising is another useful tip. Not only will it keep your body fit but will make you feel good about yourself. This is beneficial for surrogate mothers who is must always feel happy and positive.

Last but not the least, do a self check. Ask yourself questions that will help you reassess the way you approach life and how you can do better. Look over your own past experiences. Which events had the most impact on the way you live your life? What transformations have occurred thanks to these events? Thinking deeply about these issues as a surrogate mom can bring awareness and appreciation that are critical to your personal well being.

Tips for Gestational Carriers

As a gestational carrier, nutrition is key to ensuring a healthy surrogate and baby.

Eating the right kinds of food in the right portion helps in achieving overall nutrition. The ideal split would be 15-20% for protein, 30% for fats, and 50-55% for carbs. This ensures that your body and the baby are both getting everything needed for proper growth and development. Any diets that have high amounts or extremely low amounts of the nutrients deprive your body of what it needs.

Don’t forget to eat fruits and vegetables, particularly those that are easy to digest. An example is Avocado, which is full of taste and nutrition. Nuts are great snack choices. Almonds are a great example of healthy nuts. It’s a good source of fiber and helps satisfy your appetite in between meals. Nuts in general, are healthy as long as eaten in moderation.

Storing frozen vegetables is another great idea as a gestational carrier. Freezing vegetables prevents them from spoiling faster and having a good supply guarantees you constant possession of  quick, convenient and most of all, healthy food options. These create a terrific enhancement to any type of food and works great as a side dish, dessert and even as the main entrée.

Altering your diet may be challenging at first, but is most certainly worth every bite. Nutritious food will give your body as well as the baby, all it requires to develop properly. Keep these tips in mind as you change towards a healthier eating habit.

Top Tips for A Surrogate Mom

There is so much information you must learn during the whole process of surrogacy. Every part of your life is affected by the decision that you make as a surrogate mother. It is only normal to feel overwhelmed by all of the information and the tips below will help you have a happier and healthier surrogate journey.

Listen to your body. Some surrogates will find that they need more sleep when they are a gestational carrier, and others will find that some foods no longer agree with them. Don’t force your body to do something that it clearly does not want to do. Being able to listen to what you need will help you as a surrogate mother to feel better and less stressed.

Try exercise classes that are designed for surrogate mothers. Staying active is very important during the whole surrogacy experience, but it is also important that you exercise safely. Going to a class that is specifically created for surrogates means that you will gain all the benefits of the exercise without doing any damage to the growing baby.

As a surrogate mother, when riding in a vehicle that has air bags, make sure that the seat is pushed back as far as possible away from the dashboard. Air bags can be dangerous to an unborn child even to children who sit up front. The best solution is to check first before boarding a vehicle and simply just sit further away from it.

Sleeping on the left side of your body is a good idea in your third trimester as a surrogate mother. This position gives your baby the best supply of blood possible, and increases the circulation to your uterus and kidneys much easier as compared to lying on your right side. Back sleeping is probably the least favorable position with regards to adequate blood flow.

As a surrogate mother, you must try your best to be stress-free. Learn relaxation techniques and make sure to practice them at least once a day. Having some time to relax with breathing and calming exercises will help you feel good about yourself.

Remember to abide by the wishes of the mother to be. She together with the intended father, are well aware of what is best for you and the baby. While you cannot control genetic problems or issues you can control what you put into your body. Follow your doctor’s advice and when in doubt about something be sure to ask both the doctor and the intended parents for guidance.

Surrogate Compensation

Surrogate Compensation 

When one decides to become a surrogate, the compensation is the least of her priorities. Although this may not be the leading concern for the surrogate, she is still worthy of the right payment for all her hard work.

Surrogate Compensation: Costs for Support Service

Surrogacy expenses vary coming from clinic to clinic. Fees for application for desired moms and dads typically work upwards of around $500 (five hundred U.S. Dollars), while legal costs commonly get to $15,000. Take note that these costs do not go straight to the surrogate mother, but go in the direction of guaranteeing that she and also the desired moms and dads are secured financially.

Surrogate Compensation: Surrogate Charge

A surrogate’s work is identical to taking an all time job, thus intended moms and dads commonly compensate the surrogate with a cash fee money expense, which is predisposed in the contract before the surrogate becomes pregnant.

A first time surrogate can earn roughly about $25,000 to $35,000, while a surrogate who has gone through this process in the past can expect a higher amount.

Surrogate Compensation and Various Other Costs

As mentioned previously, the medical expenses of the surrogate mother are already covered by the intended parents. This includes, but is not limited to, visits to the ob gyn as well as other clinical treatment important for surrogate’s overall wellness. A surrogate need not worry as her overall well-being is covered. To better illustrate this point, a good example would be if a surrogate mother is kicked out from her home. Financing will be provided through the intended couple to protect her lifestyle.

Understanding Surrogacy in Wisconsin

One of the many factors to consider in opting for Surrogacy Services is the pay that the surrogate is entitled to. Whether it is a traditional or gestational procedure, you as the future parent must be well informed of your financial obligation to the woman acting as the surrogate mother.

The distinguishing factor between these two procedures is the resulting genetic link or lack thereof between the surrogate and the child. Traditional Surrogacy involves artificial insemination or IVF wherein the surrogate’s eggs are combined with the semen of the donor, thus resulting to a genetic connection and can be a high risk. Meanwhile, Gestational Surrogacy involves the surrogate being only a carrier for the intended parents’ fertilized egg, resulting to no genetic connection.

Knowing Surrogacy Services and Legalities

Being aware of the basic laws and procedures regarding Surrogacy in the US is not enough since its legality is still an ongoing discussion. In addition to having surrogacy legal in some states, it is actually the regulations bordering the process that complexes the matter.

The Key Aspects and Guidelines of Surrogacy Agreements

Coming up with a rock solid contract or agreement will require the aid of a professional legal representative. It is required for you to provide all the necessary information that will guide whoever you will hire to represent you and your surrogate, which is this case, should be different.

Below is a quick list of the items to consider in reaching an agreement with the woman carrying a surrogate pregnancy.

1. Name of the intended parent as well as the woman acting as the surrogate.
2. Must be of legal age
3. Count of attempts or efforts.
4. The method of obtaining pregnancy, like “no sexual intercourse.
5. Agreement to not attempt to discontinue the pregnancy.
6. A declaration that the mother is unable to conceive or keep a pregnancy.
7. Statements of extensive clinical and mental state of the woman who carries the intended parents’ baby as agreed.
8. Medical insurance for all parties, including the embryo.
9. Modern technology procedures, including the positioning of fertilized egg(s).
10. Identification and observation of the surrogate’s activities or vices and taken medication.
11. Agreement on regular prenatal health care and treatment.
12. Restriction on activities of the surrogate that might be regarded as hazardous to the pregnancy and delivery of the baby.
13. Parental rights of surrogate.
14. The presence of the parents during the course of childbirth.
15. Agreement on custody after birth.
16. Financial conditions before, during and after pregnancy.
17. Confidentiality agreement.

This list is extremely helpful and will equip you with what you actually need to know at the very least. However, it is advisable to not overlook other factors that may come into play in this process.

Legality Issues Post-Birth Adoption

Several states allow the intended parents’ name to be on the baby’s childbirth certification. In other states, the surrogate’s name is the one written on the birth certificate, which may be changed later when the order for the intended parent comes and gets listed.

Some states permit pre-birth sequence under specific conditions. What is truly important is to understand the laws of each state with regard to surrogacy.

How To Select A Gestational Surrogate in Wisconsin

For most couples, starting a family is as easy as 1-2-3; but, for some, they may opt to choose a gestational surrogate or a surrogate carrier. So how does a couple select a gestational surrogate?

A gestational surrogate is defined as a woman bearing the child for another couple or single parent who wishes to have a child; but can not bear to go through the process of a normal pregnancy. However, choosing a gestational surrogate has a course that usually has to be followed. Still, it is always a good idea to consult with your own preferred doctor.

Choosing the Right Agency for You

A couple or single parent usually has an ideal surrogate carrier in mind. Before this, the first step would have to be choosing the right agency for you. There are many agencies that offer this service so always choose the one that you feel most comfortable with. Always remember that this will be the agency that you will have to work alongside with for the next 12 to 24 months. Do your research; make sure that the agency is well established. Read feedbacks from other couples or single parents who have already used the reason and the service why these couples or single parents chose them in the first place? It is always best to trust your gut instincts.

Selecting A Gestational Surrogate

After choosing the agency to work with, finding the right candidate for the gestational surrogate is the next step. The ideal candidate should have had at least one successful pregnancy, with no background on miscarriages, abortions, bleeding or any other medical issues that may be a risk factor. It is always best to consult with your OB/Gyne or reproductive endocrinologist regarding the medical history of the GS that you plan to work with. A thorough medical examination must be performed on the GS so that any complications may be prevented. This will include, but not limited to: a physical examination, laboratory examinations, ultrasounds, a comprehensive medical history check, psychological examinations, and screening for any threatening diseases.

The Ideal Gestational Surrogate

The gestational surrogate should ideally be drug and disease-free during the pre-natal and post-natal stages, and between the ages of 21 to 40 years old. If you or your partner chooses to go through in vitro fertilization, make sure to choose your preferred Reproductive Endocrinologist.
In Conclusion

The process of finding the right gestational surrogate may take some time. Remember that using the service of a GS is not for everyone; there will be a lot of emotions that will run through your mind.

A gestational surrogate is defined as a woman bearing the child for another couple or single parent who wishes to have a child; but can not bear to go through the process of a normal pregnancy. Choosing a gestational surrogate has a course that usually has to be followed. After choosing the agency to work with, finding the right candidate for the gestational surrogate is the next step. The gestational surrogate should ideally be drug and disease-free during the pre-natal and post-natal stages, and between the ages of 21 to 40 years old. The process of finding the right gestational surrogate may take some time.

Important Things You Need to Know After Surrogacy IVF

Important Things You Need to Know After Surrogacy IVF

Posted Under: Intended Parenthood, Pregnancy Tips, Surrogate Motherhood, on August 13, 2012

Information about Surrogacy IVF, surrogate medical procedures

After an embryo transfer, a lot of tension and anxiety can happen. For first-time surrogates and intended parents, questions begin to linger in their minds – “Should I be on bed rest for the first two or three days?”, “What foods should I eat?”, “How active can I be during the two-week wait, and “Will our surrogate get pregnant?”

These questions are all important to comprehend, and advice can vary from doctor to doctor. The really important thing to remember is that there’s no guarantee of pregnancy through IVF – there are a lot of factors involved in the process.

Some common suggestions recommended by doctors are:

1. No heavy lifting for the first 48 hours after IVF transfer.

2. No strenuous physical activities like running or aerobics.

3. No alcohol, drugs or smoking.

4. No intercourse until a fetal heartbeat is determined.

5. Bed rest for the first two days after the IVF transfer.

It’s very important to remember that these instructions do differ between doctors.

As intended parents, if you want to be more sure that these instructions are followed, it might be helpful to assist – or have someone assist – your surrogate during the first two days after the IVF transfer. Run the errands that the surrogate needs done, prepare meals for her and her family, help with laundry and so forth.
The surrogate is likely to really appreciate your help while she’s on bed-rest, while you yourself would have peace of mind that the surrogate is following her doctor’s instructions.

In most cases, the transfer’s success is known after ten days. On the tenth day after the transfer, the surrogate goes back to the IVF clinic to see if the embryo has implanted into the uterus.

On Day 12 after the embryo transfer, the fertility clinic checks to see if the HcG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) level has doubled – if it has, then the embryo is properly growing.

The In Vitro Fertilization procedure is not 100% successful; not every embryo transfer will result in a pregnancy. In the event that it doesn’t, it’s important not to make any rash decisions until the intended parents have had an opportunity to discuss the outcome with the doctor.

The doctor may have some insight about why the transfer was a failure – poor embryo quality, poor uterine lining or genetic problems are all possibilities.
Surrogacy is never a certain process, and the better you understand it, the better you’ll be able to plan your next steps. Proper medical advice will help the intended parents understand the best way to move forward.

There are a lot of important aspects of surrogacy that need to be properly understood. Knowing them will help intended parents better comprehend the process of surrogacy.

The issue of bed rest after an IVF transfer is still under debate; so far, nothing has been proven. Remember, it’s at the discretion of your doctor to give all the necessary instructions to your surrogate – first and foremost, pay attention to your doctor’s advice.

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